Let’s talk about keeping in touch. It is such an important part of real estate that the majority of agents are completely missing out on! We aim to be the trusted advisor that is truly there for our clients before, during, and after the entire real estate transaction happens. Our entire outlook on real estate revolves around RELATIONSHIPS.
What kind of relationship disappears once they get their commission deposited in their account? Not a good one! To some people maybe the lack of communication is fine, but to others (who may have numerous contacts also looking to sell or buy their home) it could rub them the wrong way. A few simple gestures can make all the difference and also… get you more business!
As you may know, we love the Ninja philosophy! If you’re new here, the basis of the Ninja philosophy is always putting relationships FIRST. With that being said- one important way of keeping a relationship at its best is communication and keeping in touch. It’s important to let your clients know that they weren’t just a transaction to you. The more loved you make them feel, the more likely they are to refer your name! So, let’s talk about some ways you can keep in touch with your past customers without being…
- Annoying
- “Salesy”
- Desperate
E-mail campaigns, direct mail campaigns, calls, texts, and notecards can all be GREAT ways to keep in touch with your sphere. However, they can also fail you majorly! Try to focus less on “Hey remember me, I’m the great agent that got you everything you wanted!” and more on “How are you doing? How’s the new home treating you? What’s new with the family?” The key to this is less about you and more about them! Staying “top of mind” to them without shoving in their face that you sell real estate is incredibly important. Don’t worry, they know you’re a licensed real estate agent! At the end of the day, as long as you focus on being genuine and truly caring for your customers… this approach should come naturally. Which is what it’s all about!
If you don’t already know, we have built out an entire FREE “Ninja Flow” E-mail campaign custom to you! All you have to do is sign up through Cabernet Corner and your contacts will automatically be in the queue to receive custom e-mails from you. If you want to dive in and find out more about the Ninja philosophy, don’t forget we offer a Ninja Training course every year! It’s the best way to invest in yourself and learn all about how to create more relationships, garner more business, and truly be a trusted advisor to your customers.